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‘Star Trek Beyond’ Review!

The third movie in the rebooted ‘Star Trek’ series is must see movie for Summer 2016. Even if you haven’t seen Trek before, it’s easy to hop on and not feel completely lost. The format of the plot is nothing too terribly unique, we still have a somewhat generic bad guy named Krall (Idris Elba) […]

More Awesome Star Trek Posters...

What would our crew be without Scotty, Sulu & Uhura?  Captain Kirk takes on Krall and The Swarm on July 22.  Hey Geeks, we’re back with even more awesome Star Trek Beyond posters! Here we got Scotty, another character recognizable by his accent, in this case a strong Scottish one. He is Chief Engineer of […]

Shannara Chronicles, “Utopia...

Jondee here at Utopia, Ander is now king! Eretria was lost to the Elfhunters last episode. They are taking the wounded Eretria in a wagon. The group has reached a town, Eretria says that it is in Troll country, it looks like a town out of the Old West. Zora, the leader of the Elfhunters, […]