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Supergirl Pilot Review!

Jondee here at National City, This is previously posted review revised for it’s transmission on the CW. Supergirl in the comics was the best title in the New52, they emphasized that she was an alien, the re-design of her outfit was strangely Kryptonian, and she had difficulty adjusting to this new world when she grew […]

Supergirl, “Manhunter”, Re...

Jondee here at the Peruvian Andes, Supergirl had turned evil under Red Kryptonite last episode, now she has to deal with the fallout including Hank Henshaw revealed as Martian Manhunter in “Manhunter.” Supergirl hears the news reports in her apartment. Catco, Cat sees the report, she is also angry at Sandy Bullock stealing her bike […]