In the video, Sting reveals he will pen the foreword to the CONSTANTINE, HELLBLAZER: 30TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION commemorative collection. Sting’s foreword will take on the perspective of the Golden Boy, Constantine’s alternate-universe twin, touching on his relationship with the occult detective over the years.Sting captures the resemblance between himself and the character while wearing the […]

DCAA Neil Gaiman &...
DC All Access brings an extended and exclusive interview with Neil Gaiman and Jim Lee as they dig into the details of their new project, SANDMAN UNIVERSE. Also included is a sit down with legendary writer Brian Michael Bendis to chat about his debut with the DC family. Keep watching to catch info on the […]

Who Won Comic Con? (Part IV ...
Jondee here at National City (now relocated to Toronto), Last installment, here are the shows that hit Comic Con and made an impression. Dead of Summer, loving this show, consistently good writing and acting, I don’t know what was revealed at Comic Con. American Gods, I didn’t finish the Neil Gaiman novel, but this is […]

Tea With Death and special gue...
Welcome to an episode of Tea with Death! Neal Gaiman’s Death has Tea with a favorite character from the Marvel universe, The Wolverine. They talk about fine tea and…well…Death. Cast of Characters Patrick Ian Moore………………The Wolverine Cassandra Vincent……………..Death