From LD Entertainment (The Zookeeper’s Wife, Jackie, and Megan Leavey) and Director Ken Marino comes “Dog Days”. Dog Days is a hilarious and heartfelt ensemble comedy that follows the lives of multiple dog owners and their beloved fluffy pals around sunny Los Angeles. When these human and canine’s paths start to intertwine, their lives begin changing […]
Shannara Chronicles, “Chosen...
Jondee here at the Four Lands, The series begins with a two hour movie. A figure, bound, is running in a dark forest. Amberle (Poppy Drayton) is knocked down by her Uncle Ander (Aaron Jakubenko) to prepare for a test to become a one of the seven Chosen. Her friend, Catania (Brooke Williams), has brought […]
Re:cap – The Shannara Ch...
Jondee here at Arborolon, What is Shannara? The Shannara Chronicles debuts on Tuesday, January 5th, with a two hour pilot on MTV. The series is based on the Shannara series by Terry Brooks and this intrigued me since I read Sword of Shannara before Lord of the Rings. The show runners are Alfred Gough and […]