TUBBZ Cosplaying Ducks 728x90

Night Pantz Comedy Troupe Talk...

We talk Harry Potter Vs. Lord of the Rings with two of the players from Night Pantz comedy troupe Ken Bresse @KenBreese and Santina Muha @SantinaMuha ! We also discuss the Comedy Renaissance currently going on in Los Angeles, white privilege, political incorrectness, and social commentary on what’s going on in the world today! FOLLOW […]

Vaping and Video Gaming: Star ...

Patrick and Patrick Ian Moore of Geek Speak TV and Comic Book Live are Vaping and Video Gaming to Star Wars Battlefront on the PS4. It’s Patrick Moore’s first time playing the game! They take on Walker Assault and Fighter Squadron Games Modes while sampling some of the best Cannabis Vape Pens on the Market […]