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Movies You Gotta Catch: Young Frankenstein

Young Frankenstein

Directed by: Mel Brooks
Year: 1974
Genre: Comedy
Gene Wilder, Peter Boyle, Madeline Kahn, Marty Feldman, Terri Garr, Cloris Leachman


A Mel Brooks comic twist on the classic “Frankenstein” monster story by Mary Shelley. This black and white comic gem is the story of the great-grandson of Doctor Victor Von Frankenstein, who he himself is a successful Neuroscience professor. However, as infamous as his great Grandfather is, Dr. Frankenstein is ashamed of his dark family legacy and prefers to have his name pronounced: Dr. FRONK-IN-STEEN. Despite his desire to be as far removed from his Grandfathers work, Dr. Frankenstein finds himself being called to his family’s homeland after his Great Grandfather passes away. Dr. Frankenstein is haunted by the allure that his grandfather could be correct, having dreams about his destiny, and he himself soon becomes infatuated with the possibility of bringing a body back from death. With the help of his Sexy assistant Inga, his hunchbacked servant Igor, and Fraü Brücher (Horse Whinny) the macabre crew is going to upset some villagers and make some sides split.

What’s so good about it?

Young Frankenstein is a perfect blend of slap-shtick comedy and classic monster horror. Personally, I have never found Frankenstein to be particularly that scary of a monster, so this movie really appeals to the overall non-threatening-ness of Frankenstein. Peter Boyle does Karloff proud!

Gene Wilder is as charming as he was as Willy Wonka and his portrayal of Dr. Frankenstein will be one of your favorites of his. The young Terri Garr is sexy and cheesy with her over thick accent while the straight-faced Cloris Leachman, as master of the manor Fraü Brücher (Horse Whinny), is impeccable in her legendary comic timing. The cast is an A-List of classic comic greats and each one of them is perfect in their role. We hope this is one Hollywood doesn’t try to remake. Please. Leave it alone!

Young Frankenstein is a Mel Brooks film, so prepare for sight gags. You’re not going to want to have a room full of yapping people when you watch this flick. You’re going to want to focus because what happens on screen is as important as the dialogue between characters.

There are some jokes in this film that might be a little too “old” for some of you. Thank goodness for Google! If you find yourself wondering “what the f*@$ was that? Is that a joke?“ Give it a Google, chances are, it’s a joke that’s been lost to time or a reference to something that was more common knowledge in 1974.

Quotable Lines:

“It’s pronounced Fronkensteen”-Dr. F


“Hallo. Would you like to have a roll in the hay?” –Inga (Asking the Dr to join her in the back of the hay carriage.


“ Abby Someone…”

“Abby Someone?”

“Abby Normal”-Igor (when remembering what Brain he gave to Dr. Frankenstein.


“Walk this way..”-Igor to Dr. F (when leading him off the platform)



“Werewolf?”-Dr. F


“What?”-Dr. F

“There Wolf. There Castle”-Igor

“Why are you talking that way?”-Dr. F
“I thought you wanted to.”-Igor



“Ovaltine?”-Frau Blucher


“Sedagive!?”-Dr. F (Not happy with his crew)

“Eyegor!”-Dr. Frankenstein



“Wait Master, it might be dangerous . . . you go, first.” — Igor