Battlefront 2: Possible Snoke Revealed
As the dust settles on the PR disaster that was the release of Star Wars: Battlefront 2, read about that here, I’m happy to inform Star Warriors that there is more to the game then the micro-transactions & locked characters. For the first time in the EA Battlefront series there’s a single player campaign! It’s a great storyline that takes place just after Return of the Jedi. Gamers run across some of the Original trilogy favorites and new TFA/TLJ ones too! Spoilers! Beware: there may be some big SPOILERS about the Emperor and Supreme Leader Snoke if you play the game to its end! SPOILERS!

Iden’s team has two other members, Del and Hask. Del, is a communications expert, and a good hearted man, loyal to Iden. Hask is ambitious, driven, and fiercely loyal to the empire. Iden also relies heavily on her personal seeker droid, ID10. What Star Wars story would be complete without a cute droid? ID10 is a mini-seeker droid and all business! He’s is an expert hacker and also gets into the action when needed. A BB-8 paint job once Iden swithes to the good guys felt a little cheesy and marketed but still forgivable. ID10 is awesome and I’d still buy the drone! The character development and acting in the campaign mode is strong. The Rebel Alliance is made up of former Imperial soldiers and defectors. Battlefront 2 shows viewers how a loyal soldier can go from Imperial to Rebel, a plot we’ve not seen happen in a modern Star Wars game. Unpredictable story twists and ominous foreshadowing make this a solid addition to the new Star Wars canon.

The Star Wars universe is made up of grand and dynamic worlds. Campaign mode takes players to several of them! Hoth, Pillio, Takodana, all beautifully modeled. Battlefron 2 has gorgeous textures and environmental rendering. Players get a sense of scale to these stunning alien planets we’ve seen on the screen. Downed aircraft and local wild and civilian life run around in a panic as battles surround them. Single player doesn’t just focus on playing as Iden. Gamers get to play as other characters from the Star Wars universe like Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, a bearded Han Solo, and Kylo Ren. The campaign is made up mostly of ground missions. The story does spend some time in space for classic dogfighting action. No Star Wars game is complete without a little space boom boom! Flight in Battlefront 2 is improved and additionally difficult to master. The added ability to roll the spacecraft leads to more dynamic ship to ship combat and maneuvering.