Should You Buy Battlefront 2?
To be as direct as possible, No, it will not take you 40 hours to unlock characters. No, you do not have to pay anything extra to unlock extra features. None of this has been true since the first 48 hours of the games release almost a month ago. The DLC is FREE. ’nuff said about that.
The single play mission is fun, difficult, and goes behind the scenes of the Star Wars universe and gives us a glimpse into what happened after return of the Jedi and how the new trilogy is connected.
Multiplayer is fast-paced and never boring. Multiple classes, unlock goals, and weapon choices and mods. There is a lot to keep the game interesting and fun.
Starfighter assault has improved flight controls, more vehicles, and way better graphics then the first Battlefront. Space combat is a staple in the Star Wars Universe and the Devs really got it right with BF2!