Dead of Summer, “She Talks to Angels”, Review!
Jondee here at Camp Stillwater,
The end of summer, everything has changed, the exorcism didn’t quite work. Amy is cleaning Deb’s blood off of her face, flashback to the killer moment, now it is fresh faced Amy. Jessie looks at Joel’s video, Sykes checks on her, Alex is also there. There is some static at the end of the video, but Jessie ignores it. She still hopes to cover for her mom. Amy walks up puts her things into Sykes’ police car, he looks at the cylinder that will play the exorcism music, but they drive away from the camp. The car goes dead, Amy walks off, saying, “Holyoake, he’s smarter than I thought.” She says that Holyoake left the last part of his soul in Jessie, who is knocked back by the demon, Amy’s eyes go black. Sykes is going to stand up with Alex. Joel and Cricket’s corpses join Amy to hunt them down! Day, Deputy Sykes walks out to the misty lake, it’s his father in uniform. He warns his son, “Nothing happens by accident” before turning into mist. Flashback to the sheriff waking up Sykes before the opening of the camp. Inside the cabin, Jessie sees a body and then Deb’s bloody body. Amy leaps through the window, tears out a shard of glass on her leg, and goes after them. Drew and Blair say it’s over when the kids leave the bus. The kid, Anton, tells them to go back. Sykes is wounded and wants to stay telling Jessie to go. She kisses him as Amy closes in. Sykes takes out his gun. He fires as Alex and Jessie run. Blair is about to wash some writing on his car as Cricket goes to check on him. Current time, he is tries to call the camp. Running in the forest, there’s a faint calling of Jessie’s name, they see on a pole, it’s Blotter’s head who says they are going to die. Amy says over the p.a. to capture the flag, Jessie!
Police check on the camp and see a streak of blood. An officer uses his flashlight to see Amy by the lake. She’s crying and eyes his gun. At the cabin, Jessie and Alex reach the purified water, it explodes in blood, they hear sirens. Amy uses the officer’s voice over the p.a., Jessie and Alex go to the police cars, and see the bodies in the lake. Flashback, Alexi is talking to his mother in Russian about his father, he hopes to be a success, but gets slapped by his mother. They are running, they turn to see Amy with an axe, Joel, and a headless corpse. Alex takes out his pocket knife, demon Amy speaks in Russian, and gives Alex the axe in his chest! Flashback, Jessie is getting ready packing for camp when her mother checks on her. The boyfriend of Jessie’s mother gives her a ride to the camp. The showers, Jessie sees Amy with the bloody axe, Amy kicks the door open. She starts knocking open the bathroom doors. Jessie is up on the rafters, she walks away, and is found by Sykes. Blair and Drew are there. Amy tries to hack Jessie with her axe, but Blair has trapped Amy in a circle of holy water! Sykes has the cylinder, he uses a walkie talkie to play the cylinder, it doesn’t work. Blair and Drew have to hold off Joel and Cricket and a bloody Deb. Jessie shouting out Joel’s name reminds Sykes of his video, he plays it on the walkie talkie and the demonics are in pain. Amy’s face distorts, Jessie falls, she reaches the axe and strikes Amy! The demon’s blood enters the holy water canteen. Jessie gets into a state and the spirit goes back to the lake! Daylight, the survivors see out on the lake, their friends walking into the light. Sykes says he can’t come with Jessie, he leads her to his body, her light kept him there. They kiss. The trio leaves the camp. Sykes goes to the lake, sees his father, and hugs him before they are taken into the light which spreads throughout the camp. Jessie is at college and sees a card from Seattle sent by Drew and Blair going to a Bowie concert. Turn to the photo of the counselors and Deb. The camp, now closed and for sale. This is an incredible finale to this season, twists everywhere, great ending! Five Bracelets out of Five!