Dead of Summer, “The Devil Inside”, Review!
Jondee here in Chicago,
The horror of Camp Stillwater has ended, with two episodes left, it really has only begun and now we get Jessie’s story. Chicago, 1988, an el train passes and Jessie walks up apartment steps. She opens a smoke filled, crowded room with Bobby Brown’s “My Prerogative” playing. She finds her mother, Renee (Sharon Renee) and walks away trying to study for her Northwestern interview in the stairway. Now, Jessie is on the phone with her mother who reminds her about her court date. Amy interrupts Jessie saying Deb has a meeting. Deb tells the counselors that it’s over. Deb tells them that she has to shut down the camp. The lake, Amy walks up to Jessie, and thanks her for saving her life. Joel points out that there is an eclipse that darkens the camp, Jessie stares and is at the lake at night. A bloody Cricket warns her as something rises from the water, she tells Jessie to put Holyoake’s bones in the water. Jessie looks and then the sun comes out, but the others only saw the eclipse. Amy has a game and blind folds Jessie. Nice camera work spinning around, the blind fold, and Jessie sensing something growling. Jessie tells Amy about the warning. Flashback, Jessie getting her waitress uniform ready while her mother dresses for the night life. Tennis court, Amy sees Alex who still wants to hookup with her, she tells Joel about what she thinks is a trick by Holyoake.
Sykes walks with Jessie worried about the killing, the eclipse is a sign. Jessie has a plan. Jessie stares at the clock and dresses for her interview. She is late for her interview, her mother has forgotten her. Jessie tells Sykes about the burial when Deb walks up to them. Jessie vows to bury the bones. Joel is going to burn down Holyoake’s cabin, but Alex tries to stop him. Joel douses the cabin, the door opens!, Jessie enters a morgue. The door slams on Joel. Jessie opens a corpse locker, a body rolls out, she closes it, and then a skeleton. She stuffs the bones into a duffel bag, sees Damon with the bloody neck, and the other cultists rise up! Someone is going to be in that cabin when the fire starts! Jessie places the bag underneath her bed, Joel warns her and says the demon is named Malfus. She thinks the demon is in a vessel, then we get Amy reading to the campers, Joel confides with Jessie and Sykes. Joel’s book says holy symbols will burn a vessel. Jessie tells Amy in the cabin about the name Malfus, with Sykes and gives her a crucifix from her mom. Amy holds the crucifix. Alex enters angry at the test. Jessie is startled by the Cricket corpse and the demon rises from the water spreading its wings. At the apartment, Jessie’s mother apologizes and Jessie tells her the good news about getting into college.
Drew asks Jessie about the bag next to the lake. Jessie has the bag, Joel struggles to pull it back, it falls into the lake, everything turns to night. People in white robes walks towards the lake, not seeing them, the Tall Man is there, sending them off. The cultists kill the people in robes. A cultist strikes down the Tall Man, Joel and Jessie see the cultists walk away. Jessie leads Joel to the cabin, the piano is playing, candles lit, the Tall Man tells them to bring Amy to him to save her. Gun men burst in to grab the Tall Man. Sykes wakes them out of their trance, Jessie says Holyoake is good, Deb joins the group. Sykes sees Eagle Creek is the fifth point on the map. Alex is lying down with Amy, she kisses him, rips off his shirt. His pocket knife falls out and Amy takes it. Flashback, Renee walking with her daughter, drunk. Her mother thinks her daughter is abandoning her. They go to the car, Renee starts the car, another car slams into them. Renee forces Jessie to switch seats. Jessie, Joel, and Sykes are there, Amy holds the knife to Alex’s neck, Deb runs up to them. Joel convinces Amy to back up, she stabs Joel in the neck, and shows them the burned crucifix on her palm. Sykes shoots Amy, she revives, and Holyoake takes her away. The cabin, Jessie leads the others, the Tall Man is there. Amy, Malfus screams. Four Bracelets out of Five!