Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi-Review
As I had mentioned in previous articles, click here, the Skywalker saga is coming to an end. These films are about one family’s journey in the Force. Life events repeat from one generation to the next with some subtle differences and changes. Rey’s interaction with Luke mirrors what he experienced with Yoda on Dagobah. When the saga is this far along the way, there is very little a creative can do to take the film “off the rails”. As I said in the article linked above, this is the Hero’s Journey and we are in the last act. If you are familiar with storytelling there shouldn’t be any traumatic moments. There were some shocking character choices, but nothing to break your lightsabers over. Mark Hamill steps into the role of wise Jedi Master but not “all-knowing” Jedi Master. Luke has made some decisions that he’s come to regret. He’s completely blocked himself off from the force and at first refuses to train Rey, and for good reasons. He himself is still unsure of his ability as a Jedi Master having failed Ben Solo.
Finn and the latest addition to the franchise, Rose Tico, played by newcomer Kelly Marie Tran, took an aside from the main story line. They were sent to a casino Planet Canto Bight that didn’t seem to go anywhere. Rose was cute and lovable. Tico adds a relatable element to the cast. She’s not a hero, a general, or a fighter ace. She’s just Rose, a girl with a sense of duty and loves the Rebellion. Their side mission was a little confusing within the movie time line and although it was a vehicle to bridge DJ, Benicio Del Toro’s character, into the story, it was a poor attempt. The highly anticipated fight scene between Finn and Captain Phasma, Gwendoline Christie, was perfectly anti-climactic. Phasma had fewer lines in this film then in The Force Awakens and she still didn’t take off her helmet! I think it’s a waste to hide such an iconic actress in a role that could have been voiced over in a booth. John Boyega did a great job in playing the spunky and fearless ex-StormTrooper. He and Kelly Marie Tran have great on screen chemistry and despite the online push to have Poe and Finn be an item, it looks like a possible love triangle between Rey, Finn, and Rose is in the works.