Remembering 2016
Jondee here at the end of 2016,
So many people who have made our lives brighter, funnier, and full of music have passed this year. It is not simple sadness we should feel, it is wondrous that they gave us something like a song or film. So let’s not forget them. The person who stunned me with his loss was David Bowie on January 10th. He was the embodiment of everything cool so is always immortal. Then, there was Prince, so sudden on April 21st. It was a gap in the world with Prince not here. I would say the same with George Michael whom we lost on December 25th. His songs were our dances. One of the greatest loss was because it was so soon, Carrie Fisher, our princess. It is difficult as a Star Warrior to recover from her passing on December 27th. Then, her mother who we lost the next day, December 28th, to a broken heart at losing her daughter. Debbie Reynolds is a Hollywood legend that always seemed perky, I didn’t realize that she was so central to the musicals that I treasure. We also lost Kenny Baker on August 13th, he will always be a giant to me in kindness, that sly smile, beep beep Kenny. I will say that the passing of Anton Yelchin from an accident on June 19th was stunning. I have difficulty watching Star Trek: Beyond because of it. I love that he will be forever in Trollhunters and that Guillermo del Toro wanted to keep his voice work without any changes. The one that hurt for me as a Browncoat was the loss of Ron Glass on November 25th. Alan Young, who passed on May 19th, was known for Mr. Ed, but I knew him from The Time Machine (1960), he was also the voice of Keyop in Battle of the Planets, and Scrooge McDuck in Duck Tales.
We have lost Noel Neill on July 3rd, our Lois Lane, I saw her at a Hollywood Collector’s Show, a very vibrant person who loved Superman wearing the S shirt. The first and best Green Hornet, Van Williams, has also passed on November 28th. He was really nice to me at Comic Con and gave me a free autograph because I had a nice conversation with him. Gene Wilder’s passing on August 29th was hurtful to all of us, he didn’t want us to worry for him and kept the magic away from his illness. I also give thoughts to Charmain Carr whom we lost on September 17th, she will always be 16 to me. Lastly, the man who gave us magic, Alan Rickman whom we lost on January 14th. It hurts because we know the harshness of every villain he played seemed to cloak Severus Snape, yet we know the real person was also the kind man like Alan Rickman. This is a long list of people we hold close to our hearts and some may be angry at a year stripping them all away, but I see it as a blessing because we can remember them always. We don’t take for granted their work, their lives, and those of the people we love. Remember that there are more who have passed, authors, athletes, and those maybe not famous, but they are to us. So remember them in pictures, videos, watch those DVDs or listen to those songs on itunes. Look at this year as a beautiful year because we see how much so many people mean to our lives. “I know times are changing/It’s time we all reach out/For something new, that means you too.” – Prince.