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Captain America: Civil War, Te...

Jondee here with the Secret Avengers!, Post-Mission Assessment – The events of the Civil War incident had its roots in an action taking place in 1991. The Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan) was activated at that time to fulfill an assassination. The events of the Avengers conflict with the Chitauri in New York, the destruction of […]

Captain America: Civil War Pre...

By Lil’ Yoda, So a few days ago, April 12th, I went to the premiere of Captain America: Civil War in Hollywood. I wasn’t going as press or as guest, I was just a a fan on the rail. I had never done anything like this before and really didn’t know what I was in […]

Team Cap on Jimmy Kimmel Live!

Jondee here at Pym Technologies, Team Cap were the guests on Jimmy Kimmel Live! last night. Benedict Cumberbatch is debuting the new Doctor Strange trailer Tuesday. Team Iron Man is going to be guests on Wednesday. Kimmel joked about his guests and the sidewalk characters, “There are more superheroes in our studio, then out on […]

The Little Prince Poster!

Jondee here at Asteroid B-612, The Little Prince is an animated film directed by Mark Osborne. It stars Mackenzie Foy as The Little Girl, The Aviator is voiced by Jeff Bridges, and Rachel McAdams plays The Mother. The new poster has The Little Prince (voiced by Paul Rudd) joined by The Fox (James Franco) together […]