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Star Wars: Voice of Ma...

Sam Witwer has voiced Star Wars characters in video games, television and now movies with the Voice of Maul in “Solo: A Star Wars Story!” Coming to Digital Sept 14th and Blu Ray on Sept 25th! We talk about his favorite Star Wars Character and The Hero’s Journey of Mark Hamil’s Luke Skywalker. We go […]

Star Wars Fans and Mar...

First, the boycott of EA over an in-game purchase system, causing actual job and stock market loss to the company. Then the raising of private funds to change the ending of “The Last Jedi” to something closer to what the fanboys wanted. Next, the online bullying of Kelly Marie Tran so intense she quit social […]


We didn’t want to weigh in too early about the Lord and Miller firings off of the still untitled Han Solo project. We wanted to make sure that we we were able to gather more information before making assumptions because, as these things often do, they have many sides and it takes a little while […]

Ron Howard is Directing the Ha...

Straight from the AP: Ron Howard is taking command of the Han Solo “Star Wars” spinoff after the surprise departure of directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller. Lucasfilm announced their replacement director Thursday, two days after Lord and Miller left the project over creative differences. Howard gives the reeling production a veteran hand in the […]

Han Solo: A Star Wars Story sp...

Jondee here at Carida, Ok, we are getting a clearer picture of the story from the casting. Alden Ehrenreich is 28 now playing Han Solo about the age I target Han to be in the film. We have Woody Harrelson, 56, as a mentor for Han Solo, I suspect he will be Montross Holdaack. Donald […]

Han Solo #2 Review!

Jondee here at the Cantina, Han Solo #2 features a cover by Lee Bermejo with Han leaning back with his blaster as two expired thugs are slumped around him. This continues the series with Marjorie Liu and Mark Brooks and throws you into a splash page of action. The Millennium Falcon is flying past ships […]

What Happens in the Han Solo F...

Jondee here on Corellia, The Han Solo anthology film is set for release on May 25, 2018. It features a script by Lawrence Kasdan and his son, Jon Kasdan, which brought Kasdan back to the Star Wars franchise. He is going full circle with the Han Solo story. Phil Lord and Christopher Miller are set […]

Star Wars: The Force Awakens R...

Jedi Jondee here on Jakku, Star Wars: The Force Awakens is an emotional journey.  I think this ranks at the very top of Star Wars films simply because of this, not only Star Wars action, but an emotional dimension to the movie. There are parallels to A New Hope and Force Awakens; a young person lives […]

Star Wars: Issues

The characters from the Star Wars Universe have really gone through a lot…it’s not always medals and exploding Death Stars! Incest, jealously, confusion, and the Ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi vent out their frustrations for our cameras! Cast of Characters: Han Solo…………….Patrick Ian Moore Princess Leia………Caitlin Kazepis Luke Skywalker….Matthew Solomon Wedge Antillies….Patrick Estrada Boba Fett…………..Patrick Ian […]